Reality can be beaten with enough imagination.

Mark Twain
About This Quote

The truth is, there are many ways to make mistakes. But, there are also many ways to solve them. The key is imagination. There are many things that we can’t explain using intellect or facts.

But, we can explain them using imagination. For example, I believe that some people believe that gravity only applies to objects on the ground. I also believe that some people believe that their mothers are not real beings, but imaginary characters in a story they tell themselves to make them feel better about something they cannot change.

If you ask the first person about gravity and they deny it, you can challenge them with your own facts and evidence by simply asking them what they know about gravity. If they refuse to answer you, you can ask them to show you where gravity is happening. You may even point out that there are objects in space that do not fall towards the earth, but float around the earth.

However, if they refuse to agree with you, you can simply say that gravity works just fine for these objects because of the laws of physics and space-time continuum. You might even tell them that you don’t believe in those laws anymore because they never seemed to work for anything in your life anyway. The second person could then ask for proof of those laws by showing them a textbook or a scientific study published by a known authority in the field of physics or astronomy.

All of this time, their mind has been running on imagination alone as opposed to intellect and fact-based reality. For example, if someone thinks their mother is imaginary after hearing from me about how much energy women have been putting into keeping those beliefs alive from generation-to-generation since the beginning of time, this person may come back with a question like: “Well why don’t we just stop believing in these imaginary things?” This person will be at a loss for words because science has proven beyond any doubt that our planet is round which means that if their mother was an imaginary being then she would have no place to live at all! In the same way, if someone believes there is another world out there somewhere but refuses to accept it because it goes against their own personal bias or intuition, there is nothing more I could say except for this: reality can be beaten with enough imagination!

Some Similar Quotes
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  1. Reality can be entered through the main door or it can be slipped into through a window, which is much more fun.

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