He looked so lost, so soulful, so lonely. I wanted him to kiss me now. I wanted to let him know I was his for all eternity.

Ellen Schreiber
He looked so lost, so soulful, so lonely. I wanted...
He looked so lost, so soulful, so lonely. I wanted...
He looked so lost, so soulful, so lonely. I wanted...
He looked so lost, so soulful, so lonely. I wanted...
About This Quote

When you fall in love, you fall hard and fast. You’re so caught up in your new-found adoration that you forget to think about the consequences. You’re so busy thinking about the future and what you plan to do with your new lover that you don’t think about the past or what you have already done. It takes a few weeks, maybe even a few months for you to realize that you have made a mistake and find yourself wondering what went wrong. During those first few painful weeks or months, all you can do is wonder and hope and wait for things to somehow get better.

When things do get better, it’s usually because of something your lover did or said, not because of anything you did. This is the time when people begin to fall out of love. This is when people begin to wonder why? Why would someone do such a thing as leave me? Why would someone who said they loved me do such a thing as leave me? Where did we go wrong? Where did we go too far? Where were we going anyway? This period of uncertainty is where many relationships end up at. The more disappointed or lost someone feels after their relationship ends, the more they blame themselves for things that went wrong in the relationship.

Instead of taking responsibility for their own mistakes, they blame themselves for everything that went wrong in the relationship. Instead of looking at what they could have done differently or how they could have prevented something bad from happening, they look at their partner for all the bad stuff while completely ignoring their own mistakes. It is during this point where people usually start blaming God or others for all of their problems while completely forgetting why they fell in love in the first place. They forget that every person has flaws just like everyone else but each person also has good qualities that can be used to help others grow and become better people than they were before.

This is where most people set out on their journey to sadness and despair by blaming God, other people or even themselves for all of their problems while completely forgetting why they fell in love in the first place. Once again, this period is where people try to find answers without looking back or asking questions. They simply try to figure out who did them wrong and why but never seem to get around to asking why did it happen? Sometimes, these people will blame God saying he is punishing them for something they did in life even though nothing whatsoever happened when they

Source: Vampire Kisses

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