4 Quotes & Sayings By Zach Braff

Zachary Jeremy Braff is an American actor, director, screenwriter, producer, musician, comedian, activist, author and comedian. He is best known for his role as J. D. Lutz on the TV series Scrubs Read more

He has starred in Garden State (2004), Wish I Was Here (2014), Wish I Was Here (2018) and Wish I Was Here (2019).

You know that point in your life when you realize that the house you grew up in isn’t really your home anymore… All of the sudden, even though you have some place to put your shit, that idea of home is gone… Or maybe it's like this rite of passage… You will never have that feeling again until you create a new idea of home for yourself, you know, for your kids, for the family you start. It’s like a cycle or something. Maybe that’s all family really is: a group of people that miss the same imaginary place. Zach Braff
I'm by no means condemning prescription medicine for mental health. I've seen it save a lot of people's lives. Zach Braff
I'm a person who likes these sort of movies... sad but moving 'art movies' that normally are at a festival and then they go to a small art house theater and disappear. Zach Braff