3 Quotes & Sayings By Yuan T Lee

Author of several best-selling books, Yuan T. Lee continues to speak out on the importance of personal growth. He was born in Taiwan in 1952 and received his bachelor's degree in English literature from National Chengchi University in 1974. He attended the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign where he earned his master's degree in educational policy analysis in 1977 Read more

He moved to the United States in 1979, where he has resided ever since.

We need to become good citizens in the global village, instead of competing. What are we competing for - to drive more cars, eat more steaks? That will destroy the world. Yuan T. Lee
It's very satisfying to promote science and education and see good results. Setting a good example for young people, being a role model, is very important for me. Yuan T. Lee