9 Quotes & Sayings By William Landay

William Landay is an award-winning author of more than twenty books, including the best-selling series The Last Juror. He lives in Connecticut with his wife and two sons.

We move through time like a man in a rowboat,...
We move through time like a man in a rowboat, looking back even as we move forward. William Landay
But sometimes you can't figure everything out because you can't ever really understand other people. You can't understand why they do what they do. You just have to accept a little mystery, Ben. People are mysterious, the world is mysterious. You can't know everything. You're not supposed to. This isn't a history book. It's just the world. It's a messy place. William Landay
So I got on with the business of lawyering away at the evidence. Minimizing it. Defending Jacob. William Landay
I did not speak. I have found in any Q&A, in court, in witness interviews, wherever, often the best thing you can do is wait, say nothing. The witness will want to fill the awkward silence. He will feel a vague compassion to keep talking, to prove he is not holding back, to prove he is smart and in the know, to earn your trust. William Landay
I don't want you to say anything. I want you to listen. You know, being confident isn't the same as being right. William Landay
This is an aspect of crime stories I never fully appreciated until I became one: it is so ruinously expensive to mount a defense that, innocent or guilty, the accusation is itself a devastating punishment. Every defendant pays a price. William Landay
I am interested in computers and technology, and art, photography, and design. William Landay
Crime and legal stories, broadly speaking, are just where my interest happens to lie. William Landay