4 Quotes & Sayings By William Hjortsberg

William Hjortsberg (born 1954) is an American writer, best known for his science fiction novels. He produces the "FutureBook" series, which follows the exploits of "future explorer" Michael Bergenstrom, and has published several nonfiction books, including the novel The Man Who Loved Books Too Much.

I like your eyes when you get mad,
I like your eyes when you get mad, " I said. "They glow like embers. William Hjortsberg
Her wavy, shoulder-length hair was the colour of polished mahogany.
Her wavy, shoulder-length hair was the colour of polished mahogany. William Hjortsberg
I was examining the perfumed, coloured candles guaranteed to bring good fortune with continued use when a lovely mocha-skinned girl came in from the back room and stood behind the counter. She wore a white smock over her dress and looked about nineteen or twenty. Her wavy, shoulder-length hair was the colour of polished mahogany. A number of thin, silver hoops jingled on her fine-boned wrist. "May I help you?" she asked. Just beneath her carefully modulated diction lingered the melodic calypso lilt of the Caribbean. William Hjortsberg