8 Quotes & Sayings By William Donaldson

William Donaldson is a novelist, poet, and one of the most revered American psychologists of the 20th century. He was a founding member of the American Psychoanalytic Association, a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and a recipient of the National Medal of Science. He received numerous awards from various organizations, including the American Psychological Association, the Society for Psychotherapy Research, and the New York Academy of Medicine. In 1985, President Ronald Reagan awarded him the National Medal of Science for his contributions to psychology.

King- Hamilton, Judge Alan ( b 1900 )'...I think he erred on the side of severity when he gave Janie Jones, the notorious madame, seven years after the jury had acquitted her'. 'Well, these things are relative of course. It all depends on what you've been acquitted of. Miss Jones was innocent of a very serious offence. William Donaldson
I read recently that 60% of all drugs on the black-market had been put there by the police. No sooner are drugs seized, it seems, than they are recycled onto the streets by the arresting officers! I know our Leader, Mrs Thatcher, is in favour of private enterprise, but this is the free market gone mad!. .. Yours for the Market Economy Within Reasonable Limits! William Donaldson
Later the place was as deserted as Malcolm Muggeridge's Christmas party of fellow intellectuals. William Donaldson
Drugs, hard. Under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, the law was changed in the United Kingdom to ensure that the production and supply of dangerous drugs should henceforth be in the hands of criminal organisations. Some people have argued that this is not an ideal arrangement. William Donaldson
Carlton, Sydney (1949-), painter and decorator. Those who argue that bestiality should be treated with understanding had a setback in 1998 when Carlton, a married man from Bradford, was sentenced to a year in prison for having intercourse with a Staffordshire bull terrier, named Badger. His defence was that Badger had made the first move. 'I can't help it if the dog took a liking to me, ' he told the court. This was not accepted. William Donaldson
Avarice is patriotic! William Donaldson
Even Mahatma Gandhi - hardly a comfortable character - always wore a bowler hat with his loin cloth when practising as a barrister in London. William Donaldson