2 Quotes & Sayings By Wendell L Willkie

Wendell Willkie, an American statesman, was the Republican candidate for president in 1940. He received 42 electoral votes in the closest election in American history. Willkie had been a prominent Republican since the 1920s, when he served as counsel to J. P Read more

Morgan & Company and later joined the business staff of William Randolph Hearst's newspaper chain. During World War I, Willkie moved to England and worked on public relations for the British government. His main goal was to prevent the United States from entering World War II.

He became a strong critic of Franklin Delano Roosevelt's foreign policy, especially his refusal to enter the war on England's side against Germany. He was at one point offered a position as vice president but declined it because he felt it would be unpatriotic to accept any position under Roosevelt, whom he considered "the great menace of modern times."