6 Quotes & Sayings By Warren Zevon

Warren Edward Zevon was an American singer-songwriter, guitarist, author, poet, and actor. He died in 2003 at age 52. His music was characterized by its wit, sarcasm, and rock and roll style. He also played his guitar with a slide Read more

Zevon wrote more than 30 songs that were recorded by other artists and topped the charts in multiple countries.

We love to buy books because we believe we're buying...
We love to buy books because we believe we're buying the time to read Warren Zevon
You used to be the best to make life be real to me, and I hope that you're still out there and you're like you used to be Warren Zevon
That's my only active wish. I think if I sang like Don Henley, this would be a lot more agreeable business. Warren Zevon
I don't learn so good, no matter how good the teacher is. Warren Zevon
I'll sleep when I'm dead. Warren Zevon