4 Quotes & Sayings By Ward Churchill

Ward Churchill is a professor of Ethnic Studies at the University of Colorado, Boulder. He is the author of many books on politics, history, and social justice topics. His latest book is "A Little Matter of Genocide: Holocaust in the Americas".

The American people are free to do exactly what they...
The American people are free to do exactly what they are told. Ward Churchill
If the U.S. foreign policy results in massive death and destruction abroad, they cannot feign innocence when some of that destruction is returned. On 9/11/2001, Americans noticed that payback can be a real motherfucker. Ward Churchill
I am not a 'defender' of the September 11 attacks, but simply pointing out that if U.S. foreign policy results in massive death and destruction abroad, we cannot feign innocence when some of that destruction is returned. Ward Churchill