3 Quotes & Sayings By Walt Shiel

Walt Shiel, the author of more than 20 books, has been a columnist for newspapers and magazines, a newspaper reporter, an actor, a screen writer and a screen actor. He is a graduate of the University of Iowa. He's a longtime resident of Des Moines, Iowa.

I’d always hated cocktail parties. And this one was worse than most. Overdressed pseudo—people smiled plastic smiles, told one—upmanship stories with phony self—deprecation, then half—listened with painted—on sincerity to the one—upmanship rebuttals. Mannequins. Robots. Androids. Pseudo—people laboring in the vineyards of pseudo—intellectualism to gather the bitter grapes of self—aggrandizement. . Walt Shiel
Begin your writing, fiction or article, where the action begins. This action can be internal (e.g., an important insight or personal decision) or external (e.g., a murder or calamity). Begin too early, you lose your reader. Begin too late, you lose your story. Walt Shiel