7 Quotes & Sayings By Violet Haberdasher

Violet Haberdasher is a successful businesswoman and entrepreneur, social media expert and author. Her book, Violet Haberdasher: A World of Difference, shares her personal experiences and lessons learned in building and managing a successful business empire.

Imagination is what you do with your inspiration.
Imagination is what you do with your inspiration. Violet Haberdasher
It is a good man who stands up for his friends, but an honorable man who stands up for his enemies. Violet Haberdasher
Just for the record, I have come to fear all of your ideas in advance, simply from having endured enough of them. Violet Haberdasher
And as if the professor could read Henry's mind, he said, "It's a curious thing, change. You never get used to it, and you're never sure where it comes from, but you better learn to expect it." "I don't recognize the quotation." Henry frowned, trying to place it. "That's because it isn't one. It is simply advice, and advice you'd be well advised to take, especially now. Violet Haberdasher
Knightley Academy stood out against the moonlight in silhouette, a ramshackle collection of chimneys, turrets and gables. Both boys stopped to take in the sight of the manicured lawns and tangled woods, the soaring chapel and the ivy-covered brick of the headmaster's house. They were home. For this, Henry felt, was home. Not some foreign castle encircled by guard towers, but this cozy, bizarre assortment of buildings with its gossiping kitchen maids and eccentric professors and clever students. Violet Haberdasher
For under scrutiny you will find that even an open book can have a surprise scribbled in its margins. Violet Haberdasher