6 Quotes & Sayings By Vimala Mcclure

Vimala McClure is an Irish author, screenwriter, and producer of fiction and non-fiction books. She was born in Dublin in 1954. She is the author of over 30 novels, twelve books on writing, one on children's books and two collections of short stories. Her novels have been translated into 20 languages.

Children are mirrors; they will always show you exactly what is going on inside of you. Each phase of their growth is an opportunity to heal your own pain, to go deeper inside yourself and become more truly human Vimala McClure
Remember that every child and every parent has a completely unique and special rela- tionship. That child knows his dad and loves his dad. Our job is to watch that communication, to nurture it, and to support the parents in their heart-to-heart relationships with their children Vimala McClure
A wise mother knows: It is her state of consciousness that matters. Her gentleness and clarity command respect. Her love creates security. Vimala McClure
Mother is the reflective principle, the balancing agent for the child. Like a guru, she allows the child to make mistakes and loves the child without condition. Like nature, she allows consequences to unfold and balance to be restored when it is lost. Vimala McClure
Right mothering meets the child’s need. Focusing on what the child should not be draws resistant energy. Pointing out what the child should be feeds self-hatred and struggle. Vimala McClure