5 Quotes & Sayings By Viktor Shel

Viktor Shel was born in Moscow and moved to Israel with his family at the age of five. At the age of seventeen, Viktor Shel was drafted to serve in the Israeli Defense Forces. He completed his compulsory service and has been studying philosophy and psychology since then. He is a certified teacher who teaches both Judaism and Psychology at "Yeshiva" level, which he received from "Merkaz" (the Hebrew name for "Academy") Read more

He is a Licensed Psychologist and holds a Master's degree in Psychology.

The purpose is so important that for it someone must...
The purpose is so important that for it someone must sacrifice more than their life - they must sacrifice their honour and their good name. Are you ready for such a sacrifice? Viktor Shel
My goal is to correct evil. I have to instruct these people on the right path. Viktor Shel
Everyone has honour and a good name. It is the only sacred thing that every person has. Viktor Shel
Earthly life is a temporary phenomenon only”, Jesus said thoughtfully. “Death comes sooner or later to all mortals. It is honour that is the eternal thing. I asked you not about your life, but about your honour and your good name. Viktor Shel