4 Quotes & Sayings By Victoria Roberts

Victoria Roberts is the author of the novels: Heartbreaker, The Second Chance, and Love and Other Crushing Disasters. She is also the author of the Kindle single: The Little Red Wagon.

No matter how much he denied his attraction to her, those red curls haunted his dreams like brilliant flames that couldn't be extinguished... " Fuirich air falbh on teine, " he said under his breath, but loud enough for her to hear. Stay away from the fire. Victoria Roberts
Ian cleared his throat. "Lady Elizabeth." He reached behind him and handed her a single red rose. "A rose... for the bonniest lass who ever graced the Highlands. Victoria Roberts
Elizabeth studied the earl as he approached the waiting coach. "Was his behavior rather... odd?" " He English. Ye're asking me if he's odd? Victoria Roberts