8 Quotes & Sayings By Valerie Martin

Valerie Martin is an award-winning author whose work includes multiple award-winning short stories, picture books, and novels for young readers. Her novel, "Howey", won the Margaret Edwards Award for Fiction. She also won two other prestigious awards for her book "The Supermarket"; she was named a Grand Master of the American Library Association in 1992, received the Coretta Scott King Award in 1993, and received the Coretta Scott King Book Award in 1994. Valerie has also won numerous other awards including being selected by Blackboard magazine as one of the top ten fiction writers of all time Read more

Valerie is currently working on her next novel about an 11 year old girl who goes to the funeral home to investigate why her grandmother is missing. She lives with her family in Pennsylvania.

I see I have this patience to wait it out, and the truth is no matter how dark I feel I would never take my own life, because when the darkness is over, then what a blessing is the feeblest ray of light! Valerie Martin
Everyone else felt the need to assure me that Mother's death was part of God's plan. Exactly, I wanted to shout after reading this sentiment half a dozen times--- his plan is to kill us all, and if an innocent child dies in agony and a wicked man breathes his last at an advanced age in his sleep, who are we to call it injustice? Valerie Martin
(M)uch as we might imagine we can leave the past behind, it has a nasty way of pressing its hoary old face against the window just as we were sitting down to the feast. Valerie Martin
(A) trip to the attic is an excursion into history, and...all over the world the present unravels beneath the stored detritus of the past; that's what attics are for. Valerie Martin
Self-inflicted pain has a calming effect; it clears the head, diminishes one's fascination with the ego, and most important, gives one the sense of having taken some real action against the everyday foolishness of the body and of the vagrant, willful, heedless imagination. Valerie Martin
One feels relieved these days when a play is not like television. Valerie Martin
Actors are superstitious about beggars, perhaps because we're largely in the same line. Valerie Martin