3 Quotes & Sayings By Valentinno

Valentino is a world renowned motivational speaker and renowned author of best selling books. He has over 30 years experience in the field of international business, corporate training, corporate development, corporate communication, corporate culture, corporate leadership, leadership development, team building and management, before becoming a motivational speaker. He has presented his keynote speeches to audiences around the globe including many Fortune 500 companies. Valentino is the founder of the Valentino Institute for Leadership Development & Training (VALDT), which aims to provide knowledge and skills to develop leaders for success in every profession, industry and organization.

All my life I have lived within the very hours...
All my life I have lived within the very hours of the hands of love. Valentinno
I would not have imagined that love himself would have...
I would not have imagined that love himself would have such a fatal blow this. Valentinno