2 Quotes & Sayings By Trevor Hammack

Trevor Hammack was born in Yorkshire, England where he grew up in a blue-collar family. He attended high school at the Sir Herbert Beerbohm Academy of the Arts in London, and later studied fine art at Sir John Cass College of Art and Design. In 2005, Trevor moved to North America to pursue his career as a professional artist. Since then, he has expanded his artistic vision and created a successful body of work. His latest body of work is a series of 10 paintings called "The Beast Within", which were inspired by the story of Cain and Abel from the Biblical book of Genesis Read more

The paintings have been featured in several galleries across North America and have been shown at the University Of Lethbridge as part of their annual student art exhibit as well as being published in their yearbook. In addition to his work as an artist, Trevor continues to draw inspiration from the Bible and from his own life experiences to create compelling imagery that inspires others. In addition to painting, Trevor is a published writer whose first book was published by Trafford Publishing in 2013. The book is entitled "The Art Of War: The Book Of Wisdom" and it is a collection of 17 essays on various aspects of art, business and life.

The book was written after research into ancient times to discover what practical advice could be gained from the great leaders who came before us. Throughout history there have been so many people who had achieved tremendous success with their livelihood or their personal lives that they would be willing to share their insights with others so that they might achieve success themselves. This book contains chapters on leadership, relationships, creativity, self-improvement, goal setting, fear & anxiety management, parenting, aging & death and much more. Trevor has also created more than 900 art prints for clients around the world including leading brands such as Coca Cola Light (Canada), Tequila Casa Blue (Mexico), Pepsi (South Africa), Danone (Israel) among many others.

He also has published two books on art prints titled ""How To Print Your Own Art Prints"" for beginners who wish to learn how to print their own art prints with step by step instructions on how to accomplish the process by using the most reliable methods on getting good quality prints straight out of your printer onto paper or canvas canvases or even onto metal or wood substrates. He also wrote "How To Print Your Own Art Prints" for those who wish to fine tune their skills with regard to designing