3 Quotes & Sayings By Traci Brimhall

Traci Brimhall is an award-winning author, blogger, and speaker who shares her life adventures with wise women worldwide. Traci is also the founder of The Woman We Are series of inspirational eBooks. She was born in the Ozarks of Missouri and has lived on four different continents. A former corporate attorney, she now writes books about living on purpose, achieving your dreams, and how to live an amazing life.

Stranger inside me, when you are born, I will give...
Stranger inside me, when you are born, I will give youa closed book and ask you never to read it, never rest, never forgive a man who wants to save you. Traci Brimhall
These are the ruins I mapped onto my body so I might always be lost. Traci Brimhall