5 Quotes & Sayings By Tr Graves

T.R. Graves is the best selling author of the popular historical series, The Cathedrals of Scotland , Rose & Crown, and St. Paul's Cathedral. He has written books on other great cathedrals including Canterbury, Lincoln, Westminster Abbey, St Read more

Peter's Basilica, St. Paul's Cathedral, St. Mary's Basilica in Lanescraper, St.

Martin-in-the-Fields and the Central Protestant Church in Berlin. He is also the author of The Jesuits: A History of the Society of Jesus , The Knights Templar: The Story of the Holy Grail and The Templars: A History of the Knights Templar . T.R.

has written numerous articles for a variety of publications and has lectured extensively throughout Europe and North America on a wide range of subjects related to architecture and history.

With his revelation,. .. I shattered into a million shards. I felt each piece as it splintered and separated from the whole like a glass I had broken the day before. Debris flew everywhere. It left me without any option but to pick each broken piece up, analyze it, and find out where it belonged. I had to find out where I belonged. Allison La Crosse - Warriors of the Cross T.R. Graves
A true test of someone’s love is how they act when they’re stressed and not how much they love you when everything’s goin’ good. T.R. Graves
With the eeriness of the pounding I couldn’t help but think about my nonphysical traits ones known only by me. Much to my relief they rarely appeared. When they did the instability of their power and my helplessness to control them frightened me down to my core. T.R. Graves
The day I met you is the day by which all others will be measured. – Levi Ian Bryson T.R. Graves