3 Quotes & Sayings By Tony Harrison

Tony Harrison is a novelist, playwright, and musician. He has also worked as a film director and a radio producer. He was born in Liverpool, England, in 1946. He has lived in London since leaving school at 16 Read more

His first book of essays, "The Night the Punks Came", was published in 1973 and won the Whitbread Prize. In 1979 he began writing novels, including "Man of Means" (1979), "The Ghost Road" (1980), "The Black Prince" (1984). He is the author of over twenty books of fiction and non-fiction which have been translated into twenty languages.

He has received numerous awards including the Booker Prize for "Man of Means," the Whitbread Prize for his novel "The Black Prince," and a National Arts Award from the Irish Arts Council in 1989. In 1991 he was awarded the prestigious Cholmondeley Award for services to literature from Malahide Castle near Dublin city centre. In 1995 he won a BAFTA award for his screenplay for the film "Love Is All".

In 1996 Tony founded Nomeast Productions Ltd., a production company which has produced four films: The Long Walk Home (1996), The Vice (1997), Breakfast on Pluto (1998) and The French Lieutenant's Woman (2000). Another film by Nomeast Productions is currently in post-production; it is entitled "Chasing Amy."

Weeping for the dead's a waste of breath -they're lucky, they can't die again. Tony Harrison
Our heads will happen cold when this is found. Tony Harrison