8 Quotes & Sayings By Tommy Cotton

Tommy Cotton is the New York Times bestselling author of the Demon Cycle series. With his wife, Yvonne, he runs a small publishing house in Wisconsin. His work has been nominated for the Hugo Award, the Nebula Award, and the Locus Award, among others. He has previously taught writing at Ohio University.

When you fall in love with someone you treasure their...
When you fall in love with someone you treasure their quirks as much as anything else. Flaws become unique marks of character, things you'd miss if they weren't there. Tommy Cotton
Guilt is the toothache of the soul.
Guilt is the toothache of the soul. Tommy Cotton
One of the only things more powerful than the human heart is the that it takes to heal one that has been broken Tommy Cotton
The only reason a true friend won't be there to pick you up is because they are lying beneath you from trying to break your fall. Tommy Cotton
Shit happens. You can either stand their and complain about the smell or you can wipe your shoe and keep walking. Tommy Cotton
Life is about balance. It's not about forgetting the bad times or escaping them. It's about creating enough good times to outweigh the bad. Tommy Cotton
If I had followed every urge I ever had, I would have had much more sex and killed a lot more people Tommy Cotton