3 Quotes & Sayings By Tobe Hooper

Tobe Hooper has directed some of the most successful horror films in history, including The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, Poltergeist, and Lifeforce. He is known for his originality and ability to create authentic worlds that are both terrifyingly real and entertainingly surreal. "I really feel that if you have an idea, you should be allowed to express it... It's important for people to become aware of what they are capable of Read more

Sometimes they get so bogged down in their own limitations that they never get around to doing what they want to do anyway."

I noticed the dudes in the ambulance were staying put; I hoped they were calling for backup, or maybe somebody who could do an exorcism, or maybe my pal Stephen King, because if anybody on earth could figure a way out of this mess, it'd be Uncle Stevie. Tobe Hooper
Law students have taken over Hollywood. To them it's all about making money. They know people want to see what they've seen before. Also, remakes are places to showcase the new stars of tomorrow. Tobe Hooper