3 Quotes & Sayings By Tim Radford

Tim Radford is a science journalist and author of "The Enemy Within: How to Defeat the Enemies of the Enlightenment" and the new novel, "The Man Who Ate the Universe". He has been a columnist for "New Scientist" magazine since 1996. In 2008, he won the Royal Society's Award for Public Understanding of Science. He lives in London.

In a nutshell, the universe is 4% visible, 23% undetectable and 73% unimaginable. Welcome to the cosmos, full of mass you can measure but not manhandle, driven by a force you can infer but not explain. Tim Radford
Words are instruments, they are tools that, in their different ways, are as effective as any sharp edge or violate chemical. They are, like coins, items of great value, but they represent a currency that, well spent, returns ever greater riches. Tim Radford