4 Quotes & Sayings By Thomas H Cook

Thomas H. Cook is a best-selling author of books on personal finance. He is the founder of the Collins Street School of Personal Finance in San Francisco, California. He is also Chairman of Crackerjack Capital Corporation, a private investment firm whose principal investments are in the financial services industry.

He looked at me intently, from what seemed behind the veil of a grave experience. Then slowly and prophetically, he said the scariest thing I'd ever heard: "Because the answer to a heartfelt question, Jack, will always break your heart. Thomas H. Cook
Perspective gets lost in moral certainties. Which only means that no one was ever burned at the stake by a doubter. Thomas H. Cook
She was a woman of extended silences, I noticed, and she said very little as we walked the streets of La Boca, looking at its brightly colored houses. It was as if she understood that quiet observation was the key to knowing a place, perhaps even the key to life. Thomas H. Cook