4 Quotes & Sayings By Thomas F Madden

Thomas Madden is a historian and author who has written extensively about American history, politics, and culture. In addition to his biographies of Abraham Lincoln and Franklin D. Roosevelt, he has also written books on Dwight D. Eisenhower, Harry S Read more

Truman, and the Kennedy family, among others. He is a correspondent for National Geographic Magazine and a frequent contributor to Time magazine and other periodicals. His best-selling books include "The Kennedys: An American Drama," "Franklin D.

Roosevelt: A Rendezvous with Destiny," "Eisenhower: The Making of a President" (with Caddy Adams), "Truman: The Life and Wars of America's 33rd President" (with Clay Risen) ,

Justin Martyr explained the distinction and the sameness of the Father and the Son with the analogy of a candle. The flame can pass from one candle to another without changing in quality or diminishing the first. Thomas F. Madden
Augustine recast how people should view history, that history was not the story of the rise and fall of empires because those are human things. Those are the city of man. Rather, true history should be the history of salvation, of man moving toward God. It's a focus that takes the light off of this world and shines it much more brightly on the next world. Thomas F. Madden
Prominent Christians in Constantine's time waited to be baptized until their deathbeds lest they commit a "major"sin that couldn't be forgiven of those already baptized. Others felt anyone who did anything to avoid martyrdom were apostates had no valid subsequent ministry. Thomas F. Madden