3 Quotes & Sayings By Thibaut Meurisse

Thibaut was born in Paris to a family belonging to the philosophical and literary network that included Proust, Colette and others. He started studying at the École de la rue de l’Université in 2003 and graduated in 2007. He then worked as an assistant to directors at different theaters in Paris. In 2009 he began his study at the Institute for Theatre and Film in Paris and graduated in 2012 Read more

Since 2007 he has collaborated with various co-authors on several plays, such as "La journée de la révolution", "L'été de la révolution", "Madame de Sade", "Le beau jeu" or "Le roi des assis sur ses genoux". He wrote his first screenplay in 2010 and his second screenplay in 2014.

A life full of excuses is a life full of...
A life full of excuses is a life full of regrets Thibaut Meurisse
It's what you do every day that counts. Eating seven...
It's what you do every day that counts. Eating seven apples on Sunday won't keep the doctor away! Thibaut Meurisse