5 Quotes & Sayings By Terri Cheney

Terri Cheney is a certified life coach, author, award-winning speaker, and television personality. She has been featured on NBC Today Show, ABC Nightline, PBS News Hour, FOX News Sunday, NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams, CBS Morning News with John Roberts, ABC 20/20, Good Morning America, CNN American Morning with Paula Zahn, The Oprah Winfrey Show, Larry King Live and Oprah Radio. Terri is the co-author of the New York Times Bestselling book "The Love A to Z." Her latest book is "From First Base to Home Plate." Terri currently serves as President of the Foundation for Inner Peace.

...love is a chemical imbalance, too. That perilous highs and desperate lows and extravagant flurries of mood are not always symptoms of a broken mind, but signs of a beating heart. Terri Cheney
[ ] manic sex isn't really intercourse. It's dicourse, just another way to ease the insatiable need for contact and communication. In place of words, I simply spoke with my skin. Terri Cheney
It’s a little-known secret, and it should probably stay that way: attempting suicide usually jump-starts your brain chemistry. There must be something about taking all those pills that either floods the brain sufficiently or depletes it so completely that balance is restored. Whatever the mechanism, the result is that you emerge on the other side of the attempt with an awareness of what it means to be alive. Simple acts seem miraculous: you can stand transfixed for hours just watching the wind ruffle the tiny hairs along the top of your arm. And always, with every sensation, is the knowledge that you must have survived for a reason. You just can’t doubt it anymore. You must have a purpose, or you would have died. You have the rest of your life to discover what that purpose is. And you can’t wait to start looking. Terri Cheney
But instability like mine needs considerable distance to pass for mere quirkiness. Terri Cheney