4 Quotes & Sayings By Ted Roberts

Ted Roberts is the author of the best seller "The Bible Cure" and a former professional health care executive. As CEO of a successful nationwide healthcare organization, he was responsible for the direct care of 1.5 million people a year, and served as a member of several national boards. Ted is the President of the Foundation for Medical Progress which was founded to improve health by promoting improved access to natural health care alternatives.

To love one another as He loves us, is the true Gospel of Jesus Christ. For it is love that kills our outward man’s ways; buries him in baptism; and causes our inward-man (named Jesus) to resurrect on the inside of us! Ted Roberts
We must realize that even though the sacred text of the scriptures could never be improved or changed, flesh certainly can! Ted Roberts
One Tree is of life, the other is of death. Do our fruits hang from the bad tree, or the good? Only by testing the fruits of a Tree (or, rather, testing ourselves) can we truly see what kind of tree we are! Ted Roberts