3 Quotes & Sayings By Tan Kok Seng

Tan Kok Seng is a business consultant, corporate trainer and life coach based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. He has been involved in the development of multi-media training programs for over 15 years, with experience in the areas of leadership, leadership development, team building and negotiation. He also provides consulting services to business owners, especially for the areas of leadership, team building and negotiation. He is author of five books on leadership and personal development.

It seemed as if the mountains, wave after wave of them, were like the sea, going outward forever into distance, till, far away, they became engulfed in clouds, and joined–mountain and sky in one. Standing there on top, facing the enormity of the world, I thought of myself as a man. How boundlessly small we are… Tan Kok Seng
It is a strange thing, looking at the sea. When it is calm, or with only gentle ripples, it gives an impression of being soft and kind. But often, on such a calm, the wind suddenly blows, thrusting the water back into angry waves. At such times, in a certain sense, one feels sorry for the sea. Never of itself offensive to others, it is all too often attacked by wind and rain, the rain falling densely upon it, shaming the beauty of its calm face with a million bouncing bubbles. Were the wind to stop blowing, the ocean, surely, would never afflict the land with any calamity, nor would any human beings suffer. Tan Kok Seng