19 Quotes & Sayings By Tamara Hoffa

Tamara Hoffa is an author and founder of Career Motivation, a unique personal development company that offers unique and unique motivational services for individuals and businesses. Career Motivation is a trusted name in the world of motivation and career development. Tamara Hoffa has traveled around the world, and was featured on Oprah and The Today Show as an expert in her field. Tamara's first book, The Happiness Equation: Simple Steps to Happiness, Success, and Balance can be found on Amazon.com.

She had known for a while that Chance would be...
She had known for a while that Chance would be her first. She hadn’t planned it would be tonight. But, it felt right, Fourth of July, fireworks, and her first time. Tamara Hoffa
Uh oh, maybe I’m hysterical. No, the look on his face had been so funny. Did he really think to kiss me into submission? That shit might work in romance novels, but not on me. If he wants to kiss me he’ll have to earn that privilege again. Tamara Hoffa
The phrase she was so mad she could chew nails and spit screws ran though his mind at her look. Damn. He had really fucked things up between them. Why hadn’t he taken her calls again? Oh, yeah, to give her a chance at a good life. Tamara Hoffa
She was so stupid. He was just another cowboy looking for someone to shine his buckle, and she’d fallen for it. What a fool. But, she wasn’t a fool anymore. She knew who and what she was, and that man was not coming back into her life. No matter how sexy he still was. Tamara Hoffa
Shifters mate for life. We have one true mate and when we meet, we know immediately. By scent. Instinct. You are mine. Tamara Hoffa
I know what it’s like to be different. I’m a Native American in a white world. Tamara Hoffa
Snuggle up with a hot fireman! Meet Tanner West.Sharon looked up into the most gorgeous face she had ever seen. Eyes like dark chocolate, deep and warm, stared out at her from a face that looked like it could have been chiseled in stone. Skin the color of burnished copper, high cheekbones, a sharp nose, full lips, and a cleft chin. How the hell had she failed to notice him before? Her heart skipped a beat and she ran her gaze down the rest of his body. He was tall, well over six feet, she would guess, with broad shoulders that tapered into a trim waist. His thighs, encased in worn denim, fit like a second skin against legs the size of tree trunks, and oh my, what lay between those thighs… Her attention snapped back to his face and she could feel the heat of a blush suffuse her skin. Tamara Hoffa
Damn, she better get her imagination under control or she was going to be in trouble. She stole another glance in his direction, her eyes locked onto the bulge in his lap. Well lookie there. Maybe I’m not the only one having carnal thoughts Tamara Hoffa
Boy oh boy, this man is trouble. He was slowly tearing down the wall she’d built around her heart, brick by brick. Could any man be this perfect? He must have some faults. Maybe he is a chauvinist pig…no, doesn’t seem like it. He is kind to animals and children, he is a fireman, he looks like sex on a stick. What could be wrong with him? Maybe he snores. Oh, wouldn’t I like to find out? Tamara Hoffa
The hand at her back stroked up and down. Never straying too far south, but igniting a fire inside her that she wanted this fireman to stoke instead of extinguish Tamara Hoffa
She always thought of Aaron as special not less. He was God’s gift to her, and she wouldn’t trade him for the world. Tamara Hoffa
Sharon looked at Aaron and smiled. She’d made the right decision, hadn’t she? Would she come to regret this decision too? She’d made so many mistakes in the past. Was this another one? No, self-doubt isn’t an option. Everything is going to work out here. It has to. Tamara Hoffa
She loved her son and wanted him to make a fresh start here. Her ex-husband always tried to pass Aaron off as normal, not wanting anyone to know his son was different. She wasn’t going to go down that road. Tamara Hoffa
Every touch ramped her desire higher and the carnal look in Chad's eyes was making swallowing difficult. By the time the waiter served their coffee, she was ready to throw him down on the table and ravish him in front of God and everybody. Tamara Hoffa
Wrapping his arms around her waist, he kissed her cheek. She inhaled his masculine scent, he smelled of engine grease, citrus hand cleaner and man. She turned in his arms and laid her cheek over his beating heart, treasuring the haven of his embrace... Tamara Hoffa
You can’t live your life in a bubble, Charlie. And you can’t live Evan’s life for him. He won’t thank you if you try to wrap him in bubble wrap and set him on a shelf. Tamara Hoffa
Okay, Charlie, you can do this, all you have to do is convince a career military man that your son shouldn’t join the Army. That shouldn’t be too hard, right? Tamara Hoffa
She looked up and their eyes locked. “Want to be my birthday present?” she asked in a breathy whisper. Chase’s mother didn’t raise any fools. He released her hips and trailed his hand down her arm until their fingers entwined.“ Let’s get out of here.” He tugged her from the dance floor, trying not to rush like he was running from a fire. But, damn. There was a fire in his britches. Tamara Hoffa