7 Quotes & Sayings By Talib Kweli

Talib Kweli is an artist, entrepreneur, author, poet, and rapper. He is one of the most influential artists in rap music today. Talib has collaborated with artists such as Mos Def, John Legend, Common, Lauryn Hill, GLC, Busta Rhymes, The Roots, Q-Tip, Ludacris and many others. He is best known for his album "The Beautiful Struggle."

I ignored your aura but it grabbed me by the hand, like the moon pulled the tide, and the tide pulled the sand. Talib Kweli
I think once you're in the public eye, whether you're a boss, a teacher or whatever you do, that you're automatically in the position of role model. You have people looking up to you, so whether you choose to accept it or not is a different question. Talib Kweli
The beautiful thing about hip-hop is it's like an audio collage. You can take any form of music and do it in a hip-hop way and it'll be a hip-hop song. That's the only music you can do that with. Talib Kweli
Skip the religion and politics, head straight to the compassion. Everything else is a distraction. Talib Kweli
I not only wanted to showcase lyrical skills but also continue to drop knowledge on the hiphop community. I'm looking to elevate through my music, and through my music I educate. Talib Kweli
So I just had to step up how I was doing it and the moment that I stepped up and the moment I focused all my energy on that is when things started to happen. So there's a direct relationship between my inspiration and my output. Talib Kweli