15 Quotes & Sayings By T Rafael Cimino

T. Rafael Cimino, a graduate of Yale University and a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Harvard College, is a writer and the author of over one hundred books in a variety of genres including fiction, non-fiction, and literary criticism. His latest novel, The Godfather Legacy, was published by Antheneum Books in October 2015. Born in Havana, Cuba, he has lived in Miami since 1954 Read more

He has served as a consultant to the United States Department of Justice and other federal agencies on issues related to organized crime and Cuban immigration.

Most don't deserve your tears... and the ones that do...
Most don't deserve your tears... and the ones that do will never make you cry. T. Rafael Cimino
Following religious principles because you fear the consequences isn't faith…....
Following religious principles because you fear the consequences isn't faith…. It’s superstition. T. Rafael Cimino
When the media enjoy such excessive profits from this mass...
When the media enjoy such excessive profits from this mass hysteria, what incentive do they have to restrain it? T. Rafael Cimino
When your wife asks you for your opinion, she doesn't really want your opinion. She wants her opinion - just in a deeper voice. T. Rafael Cimino
Darwin is my copilot. T. Rafael Cimino
Prolific irony - For 8 years, the finger on the button that could end the world belonged to a president who couldn't pronounce the word "nuclear. T. Rafael Cimino
Your right of religious freedom ends where my right of religious abstinence begins... T. Rafael Cimino
The greatest threats to Democracy are comfort and apathy. T. Rafael Cimino
We are all born to love people and use things. Unfortunately, we grow to love things and use people... T. Rafael Cimino
There are roughly 1, 200 dogs trained to detect bombs and bomb making materials in the US - and over 40, 000 trained to detect marijuana. Some of the bomb-dogs are also cross trained as drug-dogs which accounts for their ability to sleep well at night. T. Rafael Cimino
Before the constitution can protect the people it must first protect the person. T. Rafael Cimino
The political spectrum is not a straight, bi-polar line. It's a circle. T. Rafael Cimino
You can't believe that AIDS is a curse from God against Gays without accepting that Lyme Disease is a curse from the same God against Deer Hunters... T. Rafael Cimino
Long after people forget what you said or did, they’ll remember how you made them feel. T. Rafael Cimino