6 Quotes & Sayings By Susan Trott

Susan Trott is the author of the novels A Dog's Way Home, The Dog Next Door, and Second Chance at First Love. She also writes for Mature-audiences YA fiction. Susan is an award-winning journalist who has contributed to numerous national publications including "People Magazine," "The Chicago Tribune," "Reader’s Digest," "Glamour Magazine," and "Redbook." Susan's work has been featured on TV networks such as ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC, PBS, and The Discovery Channel. Her works have won prestigious awards including the New England Bookseller’s Best of 2002 Award for A Dog’s Way Home Read more

She lives in rural western Massachusetts with her family and two dogs.

Particularity leads to peculiarity and then to pathological behavior. The three Ps. It is very insidious. You would eventually end up in a box. If you try to control your environment, it will control you. And everyone else around you will always have to be making adjustments to your maddening idiosyncracies... You are beginning to enslave yourself with your fussiness. Susan Trott
Only you are yours. Susan Trott
(Speaking about ponies engaging in a game of running around and chasing a ball with "imaginary riders") Along with everything else about it, it seemed to be a parable for life. Going forwards and backwards and round in circles, striving ever forward only to have to run like crazy backwards to get the ball again, realizing that your enemy is after the same goal and you're actually helping him toward it and getting roughed up and possibly killed while you're at it but still feeling the comradeship of being in the game all together. Susan Trott
We are born, we suffer, we die. However, love is a possibility for us all and, for some few, there is also a big house." Daniel could not resist asking, because he really wanted to know. "Need they be mutually exclusive? Can't we have both love and house?" Joe smiled. "Certainly. But one must consider carefully how one goes about getting the house. Susan Trott
Kim was, as always, utterly happy while running, in accord with nature, in harmony with the universe, in touch with the truth that was in him, full of love for all creatures even to the lowliest insect. Susan Trott