3 Quotes & Sayings By Susan Palwick

Susan Palwick is a former journalist, copy editor and book publicist who has written for many national magazines and newspapers, including the New York Times Book Review, Boston Globe, The Nation and Bookforum. She is a winner of a National Magazine Award for Opinion Writing. Her first novel, The Music Box, was published in 2002 and was a national bestseller.

The sea is not a whore, for she is free and joyous, but she is a woman. She obeys the moon, as women do, and her depths contain both treasures and horrors, and men try to bend her to their will and rarely succeed, no matter how much money they spend in the attempt. The sea does as she wishes, and anyone who would be her lover must be her partner, not her master. Susan Palwick
The world we made together is gone now. Silk and cinnamon do not bring it back to me as clearly as the smell of potatoes frying with onions, or the purr of a cat, or the feel of a knot beneath my fingers. And that in itself is proof of how the voyage changed me, who set out only wanting to see anything new and different. Susan Palwick