3 Quotes & Sayings By Susan Elia Macneal

Susan Elia MacNeal is a New York Times Bestselling author of Contemporary Romance.She loves to write about strong, sexy alpha males and the women who tame them. She always tries to give her characters a little bit of everything, from sweetness to sexy times to some tears. She has been married for 20 years and her three children keep her very busy.

Jolly good! " ... King [George VI] exclaimed [after Queen Elizabeth fired the gun at Hitler's photograph]. "You got him right in the n-n-n-naughty bits."... "Good, " she said. "That's where I was aiming. Susan Elia MacNeal
She wasn't happy, exactly; she was still too raw for that. But she was satisfied. Satisfied and relieved, too, with maybe just a bit of joy thrown in for good measure. Yes, that was it. She'd made it through so much already. She knew now that she was strong. She'd survive. And she had friends and family to support her. Susan Elia MacNeal