5 Quotes & Sayings By Supervert

Peter is a self-confessed geek who is obsessed with science fiction, technology, books, and movies. He likes to show off his knowledge of science by being able to answer the most obscure questions in the world of science.

...reclusiveness itself may be a kind of violence. It leaves an abyss for us to throw our fantasies into. Supervert
God forbid we should both go to heaven. Its endlessness would make us hate each other. Better for you to be in heaven and me in hell. We would long for each other, dream of each other, idealize each other. You would rail against God, since he was keeping you from consummating your love. I would send smoke signals from my pit of brimstone - love letters that smelled like sulfur and made you choke. Maybe we would even try to sneak off to purgatory for illicit rendezvous. . Supervert
You can kiss somebody else’s spouse and get away with it. You can kiss a member of the same sex with near impunity. You can give an incestuous kiss on the sly. You can tongue-kiss a dog or exchange raptures with lab rats. But you can’t kiss death without death kissing you back. Death is a passionate kisser. Supervert
Maybe perversion was not illness at all. Maybe every form of deviance was just a potential force of union and community, one that had not yet organized itself into political lobbies, self-help groups, bowling leagues... Once you grant legitimacy to one sexual proclivity, what's to stop the others from demanding their rights too? Supervert