3 Quotes & Sayings By Stuart Neville

Stuart Neville is the author of over 40 books, including the international bestsellers The New York Times #1 bestseller, The Ultimate Guide to Personal Development, The Ultimate Guide to Emotional Intelligence, and The Ultimate Guide to Self-Esteem. He's also the author of the award-winning book Mastering EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), which has sold over 2 million copies around the world. Neville is a certified Life Coach and has appeared on multiple national television shows including Oprah Winfrey's O, Dr. Phil, The Today Show, and CNN's Anderson Cooper 360 Degrees Read more

He's also appeared in countless publications including USA Today, People Magazine, Life & Style Weekly, The Chicago Tribune, and more.

Hate is a terrible thing. It's a wasteful, stupid emotion. You can hate someone with all your heart, but it'll never do them a bit of harm. The only person it hurts is you. You can spend your days hating, letting it eat away at you, and the person you hate will go on living just the same. So, what's the point? Stuart Neville
Hate's a terrible thing. It's a wasteful, stupid emotion. You can hate someone with all your heart, but it'll never do them a bit of harm. The only person it hurts is you. You can spend your days hating, letting it eat away at you, and the person you hate will go on living just the same. So what's the point? Stuart Neville