6 Quotes & Sayings By Stephen Demone

Stephen Demone is a bestselling author and the founder of the website, The Young Creative Mind. He has been featured on Oprah, CNN, Fox News, CBS News and in numerous publications including The New York Times, USA Today, and Entrepreneur.com. His work has been translated into five different languages and he is a frequent lecturer on leadership and creativity.

Train that bitch to love you, a bitch like that, she's the type you have to train, and even then, she'll still try to fuck around on you and test the boundaries, unless you have something no other man has, but to her you're a dick, and her she likes big dicks and muscular men, I can tell. Stephen Demone
Train that bitch to love you, a bitch like that, she's the type, you have to train, and even then, she'll still try to fuck around on you and test the boundaries, unless you have something no other man has, but to her you're a dick, and her she likes big dicks and muscular men, I can tell. Stephen Demone
To satiate is a dirty thing, she’s mine, a possession, equally dirty and never satiates. Stephen Demone
No ordinary effort stops the wheel. In sleep it spins without resistance. Passively, falling deeper, lacking the will to activate any change. Stephen Demone
It is said that there exist parallel worlds in which all other possible realities occur. Every decision we could ever make exists as a unique reality in which that decision is made. Of course you can imagine that the possibilities existing for any single person are immense. But what about the facts? What really happens. Since this really depends on others, what you get is.. it. Limited. It. This is it. Stephen Demone