6 Quotes & Sayings By Stephanie Kallos

Stephanie Kallos has written for publications including The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Travel + Leisure, Marie Claire, The Huffington Post, and more. She is the author of the bestselling memoirs The Drifter's Guide to Happiness and "A Life Without Pity" was chosen by Oprah for her book club. She lives in Brooklyn.

She soon learned, though, that giving weight to other people's opinions was creative nihilism; it was like being banished from the Land of No Words and exiled to the Land of All Bullshit. Stephanie Kallos
Sometimes a person can say I’m sorry a thousand times and that glue will never dry. Stephanie Kallos
Less is less. Heartbreak is heartbreak. You think I'm sitting here gloating. Telling myself that my suffering beats yours? Hurt is hurt. You don't measure these things. Stephanie Kallos
Her heart was finished. It bore, perhaps, records of life, but it wasn't alive. Too late for decoration. Too late for effects. Further handling could only result in cracks and fractures. People could cut themselves on the edgesof her heart, she was sure of it. Stephanie Kallos
If someone were to autopsy her heart, they'd find traces of life, evidence of eons gone by. Times when she'd been able to feel and the feelings left imprints. Maybe her heart was wearing a cast. Maybe it wasn't sclerosed at all but atrophied, shrunken, and the cast enclosing it was scribbled over with stories written in a dead language. Was there any softness left in there? Any spot that was still unfired, unformed, unglazed? Was there access? Entry? A place still open to impression? No. Her heart was finished. It bore, perhaps, records of life, but it wasn't alive. Too late for decoration. Too late for effects. Further handling could only result in cracks and fractures. People could cut themselves on the edges of her heart, she was sure of it. Stephanie Kallos