6 Quotes & Sayings By Stephanie Bond

Stephanie Bond is the bestselling author of a series of books for young adults, including "The Summer I Turned Pretty", "The Summer I Turned Evil", and the YA contemporary romance, "The Unofficial Guide to Babysitting". Her novel, "The Perfectionists", was a New York Times Notable Book for 2012. Stephanie started her career as a newspaper reporter. She now lives with her husband in Texas.

She had her own barometer for knowing when a man was getting too close: as soon as he felt comfortable enough to help himself to something in her refrigerator, he was history.. Filching leftover was simply too domestic for her to stomach. A man might as well say, "I'm hungry and I'm taking your food, woman." First he'd be foraging for food in the fridge, next he'd be expecting her to cook for him, replace buttons on his shirt, and give up her job to have babies that looked like him. Stephanie Bond
Girls, we're fiction editors--we know how to plot, and we know how to cover our tracks. We can teach Jerry Key a lesson he'll never forget. Stephanie Bond
Everything about the man spoke of virility--his quick reaction, his calm control now that danger had passed. And she'd never seen a man wield a gun in real life--it was kind of a turn-on to know that he'd protected her. Of course he had protected everyone, but he _had_ sort of singled her out by heaving her to the floor. Stephanie Bond
...big, strapping macho guys were like liquid diets--they were great for emergencies, but she wouldn't want to be on one all the time. Stephanie Bond
Says here there's a reward, " Mr. Hooks said. Tallie blinked, then remembered Keith had added that tidbit for incentive. She opened her purse and scrutinized the contents of her slim wallet--twelve dollars and a book of stamps. She handed over the ten and the stamps, then tossed in a free drink coupon from Starbucks. "Thanks." Then she turned and fled. Stephanie Bond