6 Quotes & Sayings By Sl Whyte

S.L. Whyte was born in 1924 in Portland, Oregon to a family who came to the United States from England in the early 1800s. He is a graduate of Whitman College and holds an MA degree from Stanford University. He is the author of the best-selling book, "The Edge of Life: The Lasting Significance of Death."

Whenever anyone harbored ill will toward the beast or said he'd got what he deserved, the spell increased and the evil grew stronger and stronger in the gargoyle. It became more and more difficult for people to forgive-and love-not only the beast, but each other as well. This, too, made the evil increase. S.L. Whyte
Yes, it is remarkable how far a person can travel by sea. S.L. Whyte
Remember, Reilly, gossip is just people's insecurity and fear of what they don't really understand, " Eilam said. "It is unconsciously propagated to feed their egos."" Doesn't it ever bother you?", Reilly asked as he pulled the top off his yogurt." I've lived too long to put any stock in the external judgements of others, or to take anything personally. S.L. Whyte
A wish becomes a greatest desire at the very moment when a person's belief in the seemingly impossible is stronger than any doubt.- Kevin McNamara S.L. Whyte
Remember, Reilly, gossip is just people's insecurity and fear of what they don't really understand, " Eilam said. "It is unconsciously propagated to feed their egos." "Doesn't it ever bother you?", Reilly asked as he pulled the top off his yogurt. "I've lived too long to put any stock in the external judgments of others, or to take anything personally. S.L. Whyte