7 Quotes & Sayings By Sheri Webber

Sheri Webber is a prolific author of both fiction and non-fiction based on her life experiences. She is the author of five novels, numerous articles, and many short stories. Sheri is also the founder of Project Tomorrow, a foundation that works to advance social change through education. She lives with her husband in Paradise Valley, Arizona.

Dear God, he prayed irreverently, was her blouse even legal? Sheri Webber
He didn’t care if I hated him, only that I did as I was told. Sheri Webber
He’d seen a lot of bizarre items left at gravesides, like a carton of eggs, a pair of reading glasses, a bag of licorice, smooth stones, a spoon. Sheri Webber
Breathing seemed harder in the cemetery, and selfish, somehow... Sheri Webber
College towns [are] all the same in that way; same burger, different wrapper. Sheri Webber
Compared to her, Sam ran like a girl and told himself as much. Sheri Webber