4 Quotes & Sayings By Sheree Griffin

Sheree' Griffin is the author of the bestselling, award-winning series Saving Grace. Sheree' is also an author, speaker, and blogger. She is a best-selling author with several books published including her most recent book, The Unwavering One, which was named Best Christian Fiction by ForeWord Magazine. Her newest book, The Unwavering is available in paperback and Kindle formats.

There is always a curve n the road when it comes to a relationship, don't let others bring you down to their level because of their own unhappiness and insecurities that they have within themselves. Sheree Griffin
Narcissistic love is riding on the rollecoaster of disaster filled with a heart full of tears. Sheree Griffin
Children have rights outside their mother's womb without having to be victim's of Domestic Violence inside their mother's womb. Sheree Griffin