4 Quotes & Sayings By Sheila Moon

Sheila Moon is the author of the "New York Times" bestselling "The Last Mrs. Parrish", "Saving Grace", and the just-released "Tempt Me at Twilight". She is also the author of two bestselling collections of poetry, "Songs for a Sleepless Night" and "The Teacup Lover". Sheila was born in England, but grew up in South Africa Read more

She comes from a family of doctors, lawyers, and army officers. Her mother's side of the family was Jewish; her father's side was Christian (Anglo-Saxon). Sheila is an only child, raised by her mother after her father died when she was very young.

She resides in Los Angeles.

You have done well,
You have done well, " Grandfather said. "We thank you."" We were afraid sometimes, " Jetsam replied." Good." Grandfather's eyes smiled. "That means you had the courage to keep trying. Sheila Moon
I wonder where we are going, " I said." Wherever the way is going, " Exi replied calmly." But where do you suppose the way is going?"" Wherever we go."" That doesn't really make sense, does it?"" Oh, yes. Quite good sense." Sheila Moon
Finally Exi spoke. "There are some important things to remember always, no matter how hard life presses at you. One of these things is that wherever you are, and no matter for how long, there must be a home to hold you. You cannot know who you are unless you are contained in some way that gives you shape. Otherwise you are like a small wind, or like water losing itself in sand." He paused thoughtfully, looking at us, who had all stopped to listen. "You see, " he continued, "at any place or time we have no way of knowing if we will be there a day or a week. We must let our destiny come to us. In one sense this is always true. Therefore it is needful for each of us to be defined-to live, not just wait to live. Do you understand?. Sheila Moon