3 Quotes & Sayings By Shawn T Smith

Shawn T. Smith is a student of the ancient art of self-defense and a martial artist with over twenty years of experience. He has studied and trained in karate, kickboxing, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, and Eskrima Filipino martial arts. He has won numerous titles in these disciplines and currently teaches them at his own dojo in South Florida Read more

Shawn also teaches seminars on self-defense and leadership skills to executives and executives of corporations throughout the country. He is the author of "How To Win Friends and Influence People: Master Your Negativity," (9th ed. 2015, McGraw Hill).

Women tend to communicate early and often about a problem. Men are more likely to view communication as a tool, and when they see it as the wrong tool for the job, they believe it should be stored neatly in the toolbox. Shawn T. Smith
Acceptance doesn't mean tolerating unhealthy relationships or problem behaviour. In relationships, acceptance has two key qualities. First, it means being willing to recognize that your partner, right here and right now, is struggling too. It means allowing for the possibility that his motivations might be good and constructive, even if it doesn't feel that way. It means not getting caught up in the belief that he's wrong or doesn't care about you, and instead embracing the possibility that he's doing the best he can. He may even be trying to make you happy--but in a way that only makes sense inside the male mind. Acceptance also means embracing the formidable task of empathizing with your partner's struggle when you least want to do so. . Shawn T. Smith