13 Quotes & Sayings By Shannon Messenger

Shannon Messenger is one of Australia's leading children's authors, and has sold almost 1 million books to date. Her books have been translated into more than 20 languages around the world and have won numerous awards. She lives in Australia with her husband, two children and two dogs. Her latest book is called The Superhero Code.

Sing swan, Spring swan then lets fly. Follow the pretty bird across the sky. Call swan, Fall swan, then lets rest. Tucked in the branches of your quiet nest. Shannon Messenger
Sheesh, one hot girl walks into the house and all trust vanishes. -Vane Weston Shannon Messenger
When someone you love dies, part of you dies with them. It's why your never the same after losing someone. Shannon Messenger
Sometimes things have to get worse before they get better. Shannon Messenger
We shouldn’t pass judgment until we see how things play out. Actions never tell the whole story. Good can be done for the wrong reason. And bad can be misunderstood. Shannon Messenger
That falls into the category of advice that sounds helpful but actually makes no freaking sense. Shannon Messenger
Violence isn't the answer. Shannon Messenger
Any idea what the pattern is?” Dex asked“ I’m not sure.” Something felt familiar, a shadow of an idea, not formed enough to make sense. She poured through her memories, scrounging for the clue she was missing. The pieces clicked. “Elementine.”“What’s the pattern?”“ I don’t know, but I know Elementine is right. Shannon Messenger
Who is this woman, and what has she done with my ever worrying mother? Shannon Messenger
This is who I am. A fighter. A guardian. Stronger than the Stormers.Stronger than Vane.Beyond all emotion. I don't give in to fear or pity or love. I'm the one in control. Shannon Messenger
Everblaze: the unstoppable flame Shannon Messenger
I turn away, tempted to punch the glass. I'm in the gratest danger of my life, and I'm playing with my hair and wondering if the boy I can't have-and refuse to let myself want-thinks I'm pretty. Shannon Messenger