6 Quotes & Sayings By Seun Ayilara

Seun Ayilara is a Nigerian author and the founder of the online community, The Good Men Project. He writes about issues that concern men and women across the globe, and has been featured in numerous publications including: Time, CNN, The Guardian, The Daily Beast and Huffington Post.

The past is already documented and the present is taking shape with every moment, but the future is always in-view. Seun Ayilara
Ownership of words is the reason, only few of us truly keep and respect our words. If you won't keep yours, it's probably not yours. Seun Ayilara
There is no better Eraser for the past than a good use of the present. Seun Ayilara
Tenacity bores failure. Seun Ayilara
Faith is simply jumping from heights and believing that the parachute activation button won't disappoint. Seun Ayilara