4 Quotes & Sayings By Sera J Beak

Sera J. Beak, PhD, is a clinical psychologist who specializes in the areas of anxiety disorders and depression. She has worked with individuals and couples for over twenty-five years. Dr Read more

Beak is a frequent presenter at professional conferences, including the American Psychological Association, the American Psychological Society, the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, the American Counseling Association, the California Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, and many others.

My sense of self has expanded and contracted like a schizophrenic accordion. I have questioned everything, and I have felt nothing. I have told the universe to f**k off, and I have fallen down weeping at its compassionate response. Sera J. Beak
See, sexuality is less about the actual act of having pretty good sex for seventeen minutes twice a week and much more about surrounding yourself with an ever simmering sensual energy, pulsing just underneath your daily life and infusing almost everything you do. It's like you're always just a little bit horny, just a little turned on, but the object of your gentle lust isn't just your lover, it's divine life itself. Sera J. Beak
I've had my past lives read, my aura tuned, my chakras aligned, my spirit guides channeled, my palms interpreted, and my kundalini awakened. Sera J. Beak