3 Quotes & Sayings By Scott Brown

Scott Brown is a former creative director at Wieden & Kennedy. He was a creative lead at Nike, and has since worked on projects for Old Navy, MTV, Starbucks, Nike, and others. In his spare time, he designs websites and apps under the creative moniker of FauxHawk. He lives in Portland, Ore.

Somehow, the greater the public opposition to the health care bill, the more determined they seem to force it on us anyway. Their attitude shows Washington at its very worst - the presumption that they know best, and they're going to get their way whether the American people like it or not. Scott Brown
I've criticized President Bush for his failure to use his veto pen. There's plenty of blame to go around. The question is how to solve problems. It's not bailouts. What made America great? Free markets, free enterprise, manufacturing, job creation. That's how we're gonna do it, not by enlarging government. Scott Brown